Basil 1


1 bunch
1 bunch
Basil, with its lush, green leaves and intoxicating fragrance, is the quintessence of an herb garden favorite. The leaves exude a warm, spicy aroma and are frequently found adorning dishes as whole leaves or finely chopped to intensify their characteristic peppery yet sweet flavor. Fresh basil is a culinary chameleon, adding vibrance to a wide array of dishes such as classic Italian pesto, caprese salads, and refreshing summer beverages. In addition to its culinary uses, basil is also celebrated for its rich supply of essential oils and is a staple in Mediterranean cooking. When tossed into dishes at the last moment, basil leaves contribute bursts of herbal brightness that enhance the overall flavor profile.
Basil, with its lush, green leaves and intoxicating fragrance, is the quintessence of an herb garden favorite. The leaves exude a warm, spicy aroma and are frequently found adorning dishes as whole leaves or finely chopped to intensify their characteristic peppery yet sweet flavor. Fresh basil is a culinary chameleon, adding vibrance to a wide array of dishes such as classic Italian pesto, caprese salads, and refreshing summer beverages. In addition to its culinary uses, basil is also celebrated for its rich supply of essential oils and is a staple in Mediterranean cooking. When tossed into dishes at the last moment, basil leaves contribute bursts of herbal brightness that enhance the overall flavor profile.
About the Producer
Nicolas Donck, a Belgium native, relocated to Georgia and started Crystal Organic Farm back in the mid-90's with a mission to grow healthy, organic produce. Many say he is singlehandedly responsible for introducing Atlantans to many plants of the endive and chicory varieties that were already popular in Belgium. Along the way, Nicolas helped found the Morningside Farmers Market and eventually met the love of his life, and now farm partner, Jeni Jarrard-Donck. Jeni brings an extensive knowledge of medicinal herb cultivation and usage to the partnership, making Crystal Organic one of the most well-rounded and diverse farms in the State. Explore >
Trim the cut ends, put the bunch in a glass, jar, or vase of water that will fit in the fridge, and cover the whole thing, or at least the basil leaves, with a plastic bag. Put the whole in in a refrigerator. Basil kept that way will stay vibrant and green for up to a week.
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