Bok Choy
Bok Choy 1

Bok Choy

1 head
1 head
Bok Choy, a crisp and refreshing member of the cabbage family, radiates a vibrant green from its shapely leaves atop firm, paler stalks. A cornerstone in Asian cuisines, this leafy green presents a sweet, earthy flavor with a succulent and tender texture when cooked. The greens wilt gracefully, adding a rich green hue to stir-fries, soups, and steamed dishes while the crunchy stalks provide a delightful contrast. Nutritionally, Bok Choy is celebrated for its rich content of vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like calcium and iron, making it a nourishing addition to a balanced diet.
Bok Choy, a crisp and refreshing member of the cabbage family, radiates a vibrant green from its shapely leaves atop firm, paler stalks. A cornerstone in Asian cuisines, this leafy green presents a sweet, earthy flavor with a succulent and tender texture when cooked. The greens wilt gracefully, adding a rich green hue to stir-fries, soups, and steamed dishes while the crunchy stalks provide a delightful contrast. Nutritionally, Bok Choy is celebrated for its rich content of vitamins A, C, and K, along with minerals like calcium and iron, making it a nourishing addition to a balanced diet.
About the Producer
This picturesque farm in Winterville, Georgia is just a few minutes from Athens. Known for their beautiful produce, flowers, and connections to many of the coolest restaurants in the state, Woodland Gardens is a true gem. Farmer Celia Barss, a native of Newfoundland Canada, has been managing the farm for many years, and has an incredibly efficient and well tenured crew to help her with all the planting, harvesting, and general farm maintenance. Explore >
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